Koordinátor: Vladimír Karen, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.
Kdy a kde: 5. 2. 2008, 10.00 - 12.20, Hotel Diplomat, Praha B-D
Autor: Rainer Michaeli, DIE DENKFABRIK / Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI), Německo
A basic question will be discussed in this presentation: What does it take for a company to make the most out of competitive intelligence? Are there any mystic formulas that define the "right" evolution of competitive intelligence activities? Despite numerous empirical research initiatives, the notion of "best practice" somewhat fails to capture all derivatives of established CI activities. This presentation will try to shed some light on organizational and process-related issues of real life CI by illustrating some genuine competitive intelligence case studies.
Autor: Vladimír Karen, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.
Autor: Marydee Ojala, ONLINE: The Leading Magazine for Information Professionals, USA
Autor: Dagmar Vránová, EPMA - Agentura pro evropské projekty a management, Praha